
BHRT for men

“I have personal experience with BHRT, since I have been on testosterone pellets for over five years, and I intend to continue using these pellets for life.” – Dr. German

As men grow older, they often experience a drop in natural testosterone levels as their bodies lose the ability to produce this essential hormone. For most men this occurs after age 45, though some men may experience symptoms in their mid-30's No matter when you begin to experience andropause, or low-T syndrome, symptoms of lowered testosterone levels may include:

•    Lethargy/lowered energy level
•    Poor tolerance for exercise
•    Loss of stamina/endurance
•    Reduced muscle mass
•    Increased belly fat
•    Joint pain
•    Depression
•    ED (erectile dysfunction) 
•    Loss of libido 

Testosterone therapy provided by painless pellet insertion in the hip area under local anesthesia aims to improve these symptoms significantly, resulting in increased energy, stamina, strength, endurance, and libido, as well as elevated mood.  To schedule an appointment to learn more about the benefits of BHRT for men, contact us, and start living an improved life today!